St Paul Hamstead - Walsall Rd, Birmingham, B42 1ES

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The care and protection of children, young people and vulnerable adults involved in Church activities is the responsibilty of the whole Church. Everyone who participates in the life of the Church has a role to play in promoted a safer church for all. Hamstead St Paul PCC takes its responsibility for the Safeguarding of Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults seriously. 

If you have concerns about the welfare of a child or vulnerable adult you can call:

Linda Bateman (Parish Safeguarding Coordinator) 07973 835697

Steph Haynes (Diocesan Safeguarding Officer) 07342 993 844

Other useful contacts: 

Childline 0800 1111

Domestic Violence Helpline 08082000247

Local Authority Children's Service 0121 308 1888 Adult's Service 0121 303 1234

If the person needs immediate help, dial 999 or 101 for Police 



Hidden Gems, Firm Foundations

Originating as a mission church, St Paul, Hamstead was set up in 1865 and met in temporary buildings in nearby Spouthouse Lane. The present building designed by William Davis, was consecrated in 1892 and together with the church school served the mining community of Hamstead Colliery. Coal was the “hidden gem” on which the area relied. Legend has it that the opening to the coal seam is directly below the chancel steps. The font and the pulpit date from the beginning whilst everything else, including the beautiful oak furnishings came before the Second World War.

The stained glass windows are of exceptional quality and great beauty. They are the work of local craftsmen in the Arts and Crafts Movement and tell the Christian story and the life of the local people too. The Murals depicting the life of St Paul marked the church’s centenary. Today the parish serves 15,000 people through services, baptisms, marriages, funerals, worship and Bible studies throughout the year. There is a monthly coffee morning called "Coffee Break", Mothers Union, "Vision" Women's Fellowship, Messy Church and uniformed organisations for children and a Foodbank with ecumenical partners to meet local need.

We are committed to fostering faith and fellowship that all may come to know the love of Jesus Christ who is our “firm foundation”

  • Cheques payable to ‘Hamstead PCC, St Paul’
    or via your bank to:
    Bank of Scotland
    Sort Code: 12-05-65
    Account Name: Hamstead PCC, St Paul
    Account number: 00354245

    We have an online giving page

    Thank you for your generosity



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